Changes between Version 52 and Version 53 of WARPLab/Changelog

Dec 18, 2015, 11:30:59 AM (9 years ago)



  • WARPLab/Changelog

    v52 v53  
    3232     * [wiki:WARPLab/Reference/Baseband/Buffers#agc_iir_hpf agc_iir_hpf]
    3333     * [wiki:WARPLab/Reference/Baseband/Buffers#agc_rf_gain_threshold agc_rf_gain_threshold]
    34      * [wiki:WARPLab/Reference/Baseband/Buffers#agc_dco_timing agc_dco_timing]
     34     * [wiki:WARPLab/Reference/Baseband/Buffers#agc_timing agc_timing]
    3535     * [wiki:WARPLab/Reference/Baseband/Buffers#agc_dco_timing agc_dco_timing]
    3636   * Updated reset command [wiki:WARPLab/Reference/Baseband/Buffers#agc_reset_per_rx agc_reset_per_rx]
    4040   * Added trigger alignment capabilities for external triggers.  All external triggers have IDELAY and ODELAY blocks that allow for fine-grain trigger alignment
    4141   * Added trigger manager commands:
    42      * input_config_idelay
    43      * output_config_odelay
     42     * [wiki:WARPLab/Reference/TriggerManager/TriggerProcessor#input_config_idelay input_config_idelay]
     43     * [wiki:WARPLab/Reference/TriggerManager/TriggerProcessor#output_config_odelay output_config_odelay]
    4444 * Added new Node commands:
    4545   * [wiki:WARPLab/Reference/Node#node_mem_write node_mem_write]
    4646   * [wiki:WARPLab/Reference/Node#node_mem_read node_mem_read]
    4747 * Updated buffers core
    48    * Added counters for the number of times the Tx / Rx state machine has run.  Access that information with the following commands:
    49      * get_tx_count
    50      * get_rx_count
    51      * reset_tx_count
    52      * reset_rx_count
     48   * Added counters for the number of times the Tx / Rx state machine has run.  Access / Reset that information with the following commands:
     49     * [wiki:WARPLab/Reference/Baseband/Buffers#get_tx_count get_tx_count]
     50     * [wiki:WARPLab/Reference/Baseband/Buffers#get_rx_count get_rx_count]
     51     * [wiki:WARPLab/Reference/Baseband/Buffers#reset_tx_count reset_tx_count]
     52     * [wiki:WARPLab/Reference/Baseband/Buffers#reset_rx_count reset_rx_count]
    5353   * Fixed unexpected behavior in the TX state machine on a node when the node is triggered and none of the TX buffers are enabled and then a TX buffer is enabled and the node is triggered again before the node is re-initialized (i.e. initNodes() or wl_nodeCmd('initialize') is run).
    5454 * Added transport check for "stale" IQ reads (ie IQ data does not change between consecutive read IQ commands).  This check will make it easier to see if a node was not triggered properly.
    5555 * Deprecating the 'enable' / 'disable' magic strings for some commands: 
    56    * Trigger Manager - output_config_hold_mode, input_config_debounce_mode
     56   * Trigger Manager - [wiki:WARPLab/Reference/TriggerManager/TriggerProcessor#output_config_hold_mode output_config_hold_mode], [wiki:WARPLab/Reference/TriggerManager/TriggerProcessor#input_config_debounce_mode input_config_debounce_mode]
    5757   * Interface - [wiki:WARPLab/Reference/Interface/X245#rx_rxhp rx_rxhp].