Changes between Version 53 and Version 54 of WARPLab/Changelog

Dec 18, 2015, 11:51:55 AM (9 years ago)



  • WARPLab/Changelog

    v53 v54  
    55This page is a detailed changelog of WARPLab 7 development updates.
    78== Changes in SVN pending release ==
    910 * None
    1213== 7.7.0 Release: ==
    13 '''Download: []'''
     14'''Download: []'''
    1516Release Details:
    1718||  WARP v3  ||  7.7.0  ||  18-Dec-2015  ||  [browser:ResearchApps/PHY/WARPLAB/WARPLab7?rev=4982 4982]  ||  14.4  ||  MB/AXI  ||  2011a or later  || 1-2: WARP v3 on-board interfaces [[BR]] 3-4: Requires [wiki:HardwareUsersGuides/FMC-RF-2X245 FMC-RF-2X245] ||
    19 '''WARPLab 7.7.0 requires an SVN update to your [wiki:edk_user_repository edk_user_repository] before rebuilding the reference hardware project'''
    21 '''WARPLab 7.7.0 requires [ '''WARP IP/UDP v1.00a'''] transport library and MEX 1.04.a.
    22 '''
     20'''You must SVN update your local [wiki:edk_user_repository edk_user_repository] before compiling the SDK software project or building the XPS hardware project'''
    2522Other changes:
    26  * Added SFO recovery to the [wiki:WARPLab/Examples/OFDM SISO OFDM Communication Example]
    27  * Updated AGC
     23 * Updated MEX transport; WARPLab 7.7 requires MEX transport version 1.04.a (included in zip archive)
     24 * Added sampling frequency offset (SFO) estimation and correction to the [wiki:../Examples/OFDM SISO OFDM] and [wiki:../Examples/MIMO_OFDM MIMO OFDM] examples
     25 * Updated AGC core and code
     26   * Removed fixed-duration "timeout" from AGC reset logic, replaced with "[wiki:WARPLab/Reference/Baseband/Buffers#agc_reset_per_rx reset per Rx]" mode. When enabled this mode will reset the AGC state after the Rx buffers core has completed its sample capture. The AGC reset timing is automatically aligned with the buffers Rx state timing.
    2827   * Fixed issue in the IIR High Pass Filter where the handover between the two data streams was not temporally aligned
    29    * AGC defines were moved to [ baseband.h]
    30    * Added AGC commands (write only)
     28   * Moved AGC C defines to [ baseband.h]
     29   * Added AGC commands:
    3130     * [wiki:WARPLab/Reference/Baseband/Buffers#agc_config agc_config]
    3231     * [wiki:WARPLab/Reference/Baseband/Buffers#agc_iir_hpf agc_iir_hpf]
    3433     * [wiki:WARPLab/Reference/Baseband/Buffers#agc_timing agc_timing]
    3534     * [wiki:WARPLab/Reference/Baseband/Buffers#agc_dco_timing agc_dco_timing]
    36    * Updated reset command [wiki:WARPLab/Reference/Baseband/Buffers#agc_reset_per_rx agc_reset_per_rx]
    37  * Updated the trigger manager
    38    * Increased trigger output delay for all output triggers.  Delay maximum is now 409593.75 ns (ie. 65535 steps with a 6.25 ns step size).
    39    * Additional checking for input and output trigger IDs
    40    * Added trigger alignment capabilities for external triggers.  All external triggers have IDELAY and ODELAY blocks that allow for fine-grain trigger alignment
    41    * Added trigger manager commands:
     35 * Updated the trigger processor core
     36   * Increased trigger output delay range for all trigger outputs. Delay maximum is now 409593.75 ns (65535 steps with a 6.25 ns step size).
     37   * Additional error checking for input and output trigger IDs in m code
     38   * Added IDELAY/ODELAY instances to all off-chip trigger I/O. These blocks allow sub-nsec tuning of delays through the IOBs, allowing easier avoidance of setup/hold violations for inter-board trigger signals. The per-pin IDELAY/ODELAY values are controlled with new commands:
    4239     * [wiki:WARPLab/Reference/TriggerManager/TriggerProcessor#input_config_idelay input_config_idelay]
    4340     * [wiki:WARPLab/Reference/TriggerManager/TriggerProcessor#output_config_odelay output_config_odelay]
    44  * Added new Node commands:
     41 * Added new node commands for reading/writing arbitrary memory addresses:
    4542   * [wiki:WARPLab/Reference/Node#node_mem_write node_mem_write]
    4643   * [wiki:WARPLab/Reference/Node#node_mem_read node_mem_read]
    47  * Updated buffers core
    48    * Added counters for the number of times the Tx / Rx state machine has run.  Access / Reset that information with the following commands:
     44 * Updated buffers core:
     45   * Added counters for the number of times the Tx / Rx state machine has run. Counter values are accessed and reset with new commands:
    4946     * [wiki:WARPLab/Reference/Baseband/Buffers#get_tx_count get_tx_count]
    5047     * [wiki:WARPLab/Reference/Baseband/Buffers#get_rx_count get_rx_count]
    5148     * [wiki:WARPLab/Reference/Baseband/Buffers#reset_tx_count reset_tx_count]
    5249     * [wiki:WARPLab/Reference/Baseband/Buffers#reset_rx_count reset_rx_count]
    53    * Fixed unexpected behavior in the TX state machine on a node when the node is triggered and none of the TX buffers are enabled and then a TX buffer is enabled and the node is triggered again before the node is re-initialized (i.e. initNodes() or wl_nodeCmd('initialize') is run).
    54  * Added transport check for "stale" IQ reads (ie IQ data does not change between consecutive read IQ commands).  This check will make it easier to see if a node was not triggered properly.
    55  * Deprecating the 'enable' / 'disable' magic strings for some commands: 
     50   * Fixed unexpected behavior in the TX state machine on a node when the node is triggered when no TX buffers are enabled, then a TX buffer is enabled and the node is triggered again (more info in this [//forums/viewtopic.php?id=2978 forum thread]).
     51 * Added transport check for "stale" IQ reads. This check allows detection of multiple read_iq commands retrieving the same waveform, likely an indication of improper trigger configuration.
     52 * Replaced 'enable' / 'disable' magic strings with true/false in command arguments:
    5653   * Trigger Manager - [wiki:WARPLab/Reference/TriggerManager/TriggerProcessor#output_config_hold_mode output_config_hold_mode], [wiki:WARPLab/Reference/TriggerManager/TriggerProcessor#input_config_debounce_mode input_config_debounce_mode]
    57    * Interface - [wiki:WARPLab/Reference/Interface/X245#rx_rxhp rx_rxhp].
     54   * Interface - [wiki:WARPLab/Reference/Interface/X245#rx_rxhp rx_rxhp]