Changes between Version 35 and Version 36 of WARPLab/QuickStart

Dec 16, 2016, 9:42:34 AM (8 years ago)



  • WARPLab/QuickStart

    v35 v36  
    2323  1. Set the user DIP switch to a unique value on each node, starting at 0
    2424  1. Configure the FPGA with the Reference Design. The reference bitstreams are included in the Bitstreams_Reference folder from the downloaded archive. Find the bitstream appropriate for your hardware and program the .bit file to the board using the Xilinx iMPACT tool. The .bin file can be used to configure an SD card with the design (see the [wiki:howto/SD_Config SD config howto] for help using the .bin file).
    25    1. On boot each node will display the last digit of its IP address ('''N''' for IP address 10.0.0.N) on the right hex display. By default IP addresses are assigned as {{{node_ID + 1}}}.
     25   1. On boot each node will display the last digit of its IP address ({{{N}}} for IP address {{{10.0.0.N}}}) on the right hex display. By default IP addresses are assigned as {{{10.0.0.N}}} for {{{N = node_ID + 1}}}.
    2626   1. The bottom green LED will blink until the Ethernet link is up
    2727   1. All four green LEDs will blink when the node is ready to accept commands from MATLAB