
Version 10 (modified by sgupta, 15 years ago) (diff)


WARPLab Getting Started

  1. Requirements: At least two WARP nodes, a PC with MATLAB, an Ethernet switch.
  1. Install Peter Rydesäter's open-source TCP/UDP toolbox for MATLAB (get it free from MATLAB Central).
  1. Download the WARPLab Reference M-code to your PC. The instructions are available here. In the final step you can choose the appropriate version to add to the path. For example, to add Version 5.1 of the Reference M-Code the path is 'C:\WARP_Repository\ResearchApps\PHY\WARPLAB\WARPLab_v05_1/M_Code_Reference'. Information about the latest version of the WARPLab reference M-Code can be found here?.
  1. Connect your PC and two WARP boards to a common Ethernet switch. Ideally, nothing else should be connected to the same switch.
  1. Set your PC's IP address to
  1. Set the DIP switches on the two WARP boards to zero (0000) and one (0001).

  1. Download the WARPLab bitstream to both boards. The latest WARPLab bitstream is available here?. The bitstream can be downloaded either via an external JTAG cable, via a USB cable (connected to the FPGA board's USB port) or a CompactFlash card. Instructions on formatting and loading systems on to a Compact Flash are available here. After downloading the bitstreams, the right hex display on the WARP boards should show a single digit 1 for the board with DIP switch set to zero and a single digit 2 for the board with DIP switch set to one. This digit is the last octet of the board's IP address ( or
  1. Try one of the examples. The GUI (warplab_mimo_2x2_GUI and the warplab_siso_example_TxRx) are the best ones to start with. The latest version of the M-Code examples is available here?.

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