
Version 13 (modified by sgupta, 15 years ago) (diff)


WARPLab Releases

Latest WARPLab Release

  • WARPLab Version 5.1 is the latest WARPLab release and includes support for the Virtex-4 FPGA Board.
  • Notes about latest Release: Posted on November 2009. This release builds the features of Version 5 of WARPLab for both Version 1 and 2 of the FPGA Board. The C-code base has been standardized across both platforms and across the 2x2 and 4x4 Reference Designs. There are four bitstreams provided: 2x2 and 4x4 MIMO setups for both Version 1 and Version 2 of the FPGA Board. WARPLab is interoperable across both versions of the FPGA Boards. The complete feature set of Version 5 is described below.
  • Notes about Version 5: Posted on September 2009. The WARPLab MIMO 2x2 and 4x4 Reference Designs have been updated to include Automatic Gain Control (AGC). Previous versions of WARPLab required Manual Gain Control (MGC), the user was required to set receiver gains manually. In this new Version 5 release the user can choose between AGC or MGC mode using simple M-Code functions. Two bitstreams are provided, one bitstream to program the boards in the 2x2 MIMO configuration and another bitstream to program the boards in the 4x4 MIMO configuration. AGC and MGC are supported by both bitstreams. Reading of RSSI values is supported by the 2x2 MIMO bitstream but not by the 4x4 MIMO bitstream. Continuous transmission mode is supported by both the 2x2 and 4x4 bitstreams. When the boards are programmed with the 4x4 MIMO bitstream 2x2 MIMO communication is possible but reading of RSSI values is not possible. The WARPLab Reference M-Code functions support both 2x2 and 4x4 MIMO bitstreams.

Notes on previous WARPLab releases can be found here?.