Changes between Version 36 and Version 37 of WARPLab6

Dec 9, 2009, 4:45:44 PM (15 years ago)



  • WARPLab6

    v36 v37  
    2929 * [wiki:WARPLab/Releases WARPLab Examples]: M-Code examples that show how to use the WARPLab Reference M-Code are provided.
    31 The WAPLAB framework facilitates experimental evaluation of PHY layer algorithms. However, some novel algorithms may require features not provided in the WARPLab framework. Users are encouraged to modify/extend the WARPLab XPS Reference Design and WARPLab Reference M-Code if this is required in order to meet experiment requirements. For example, if part of the signal processing cannot be done offline in MATLAB but must be done in real-time, then this signal processing can be implemented in FPGA logic by modifying the WARPLab XPS Reference Design. Depending on the experiment, the users may also have to modify the WARPLab Reference M-Code. The vanilla architecture is described [wiki:WARPLab/Architecture here] and [wiki:WARPLab/ExtendingWARPLab extending WARPLab] describes the changes needed to modify the system. Specifications of the radio parameters controllable from M-code are listed [wiki:WARPLab/Specifications here].
     31The WAPLAB framework facilitates experimental evaluation of PHY layer algorithms. However, some novel algorithms may require features not provided in the WARPLab framework. Users are encouraged to modify/extend the WARPLab XPS Reference Design and WARPLab Reference M-Code if this is required in order to meet experiment requirements. For example, if part of the signal processing cannot be done offline in MATLAB but must be done in real-time, then this signal processing can be implemented in FPGA logic by modifying the WARPLab XPS Reference Design. Depending on the experiment, the users may also have to modify the WARPLab Reference M-Code. The vanilla architecture is described [wiki:WARPLab/Architecture here] and [wiki:WARPLab/ExtendingWARPLab extending WARPLab] explains some of the steps needed to modify the system. Specifications of the radio parameters controllable from M-code are listed [wiki:WARPLab/Specifications here].