= [wiki:Workshops/Rice_2008July WARP Workshop] Labs 4, 5 and 6 = The WARP workshop MAC lab exercises use a single XPS project for all three labs. The XPS project has separate software projects for each exercise, along with the code for running the central WARP node used in labs 5 and 6. The NoMAC, HalfMAC client and HopMAC client source files included in this project are intentionally incomplete. The code has comments indicating what parts need to be completed in order to finish each lab exercise. The completed source files, ready to compile and use over-the-air, are available in the WARP repository: [source:/ResearchApps/MAC /ResearchApps/MAC]. You can download the full XPS project here: [http://warp.rice.edu/bigFiles/WARPWorkshop_April08_MAC_Labs.zip WARPWorkshop_April08_MAC_Labs.zip] (67MB zip)