[[Image(WARPImages:WARP_FullKit.jpg, align=right)]] = WARP: Wireless Open Access Research Platform = Rice University's WARP is a scalable and extensible programmable wireless platform, built from the ground up, to prototype advanced wireless networks. For more information about the project visit the [http://warp.rice.edu WARP Website]. [http://warp.rice.edu/getting_hardware.php Getting Hardware] has details regarding hardware purchases. '''[wiki:GettingStarted/Install Getting Started]''' - Tools - Tutorials - Repository '''Design Flows''' - WARPLab - Real-Time Physical Layers '''Hardware Platform''' - FPGA Board - Radio Board - All '''[wiki:'Wireless Reference Designs' Reference Designs]''' - [wiki:OFDMReferenceDesign OFDM Reference Design] '''Support''' - FAQ - Forums - Documentation '''[wiki:Workshops Workshops]''' - [wiki:Workshops/Rice_2008July Rice/July2008] -[wiki:Workshops/Egypt_2008April Egypt/April2008] - [wiki:Workshops All] '''[wiki:PapersandPresentations Papers and Presentations]''' - Follow our research on the platform