= WARP: Wireless Open Access Research Platform = {{{ #!html
}}} Rice University's WARP is a scalable and extensible programmable wireless platform, built from the ground up, to prototype advanced wireless networks. For more information about the project visit the [http://warp.rice.edu WARP Website]. [http://warp.rice.edu/getting_hardware.php Getting Hardware] has details regarding hardware purchases. '''[wiki:GettingStarted Getting Started]''':: [wiki:Tools Tools] | [wiki:Tutorials Tutorials] | [wiki:repositoryAccess Repository] '''[wiki:DesignFlowPHY Design Flows]''':: [wiki:WARPLab WARPLab] | [wiki:PHY Real-Time Physical Layers] '''[wiki:MAC Medium Access Layer]''':: [wiki:CSMAMAC CSMA MAC] | RTS/CTS MAC | Workshop MACs '''[wiki:HardwarePlatform Hardware Platform]''':: [wiki:HardwareUsersGuides/FPGABoard_v1.2 FPGA Board] | [wiki:HardwareUsersGuides/RadioBoard_v1.4 Radio Board] | [wiki:HardwareUsersGuides/ClockBoard_v1.1 Clock Board] | [wiki:Gallery Gallery] | [wiki:HardwarePlatform more...] '''Platform Support''':: Custom Peripherals | [wiki:SoftwareFramework Software Frameworks] | more... '''[wiki:WirelessReferenceDesigns Reference Designs]''':: [wiki:OFDMReferenceDesign OFDM Reference Design] | [wiki:WARPLabRefDesign WARPLab Reference Design] | [wiki:WirelessReferenceDesigns more...] '''[wiki:SupportResources Support]''':: [wiki:FAQ FAQ] | [//forums Forums] | [//WARP_API API Documentation] | [wiki:SupportResources more...] '''[wiki:Workshops Workshops]''':: [wiki:Workshops/Rice_2008July Rice/July2008] | [wiki:Workshops/Egypt_2008April Egypt/April2008] | [wiki:Workshops more...] '''[wiki:PapersandPresentations Papers and Presentations]''' - Follow our research on the platform {{{ #!html
}}} === Latest Updates === * '''July 15, 2008''' Added materials and slides from WARP Workshop at Rice on July 14/15. * '''July 13, 2008''' Updated MAC code for Xilinx 10 tools. * '''July 10, 2008''' Created tutorial for introduction to the WARP kits. {{{ #!html
}}} ---- [[Image(http://cmclab.rice.edu/~sgupta/start.jpg, align=left, nolink)]] [[Image(http://cmclab.rice.edu/~sgupta/end.jpg, align=center, nolink)]] [[Image(http://cmclab.rice.edu/~sgupta/mid.jpg, align=left, nolink)]] {{{ #!html