Changes between Version 1 and Version 2 of sysace/FAT

Jul 19, 2006, 10:11:03 PM (18 years ago)



  • sysace/FAT

    v1 v2  
    3333 * sysace_stdio.h (does not require the user to manually add the *.c & *.h files)
    34   * Contains the core FATFS functions. Detailed in  \\EDK\doc\oslib_rm.pdf
     34   * Contains the core FATFS functions. Detailed in  \\EDK\doc\oslib_rm.pdf
    3535 *sysace_l.h (does not require the user to manually add the *.c & *.h files)
    36   * Contains core SysACE controller functions needed for warpsysace.h
     36   * Contains core SysACE controller functions needed for warpsysace.h
    3737 * sysace.h (does not require the user to manually add the *.c & *.h files)
    38   * Contains core SysACE controller functions needed for warpsysace.h
     38   * Contains core SysACE controller functions needed for warpsysace.h
    3939 * warpsysace.h ('''requires''' the user to manually add the *.c & *.h files)
    40   * Contains the necessary lock function for SysACE to work
    41   * Provides extra functionality, such as a file-logging system
     40   * Contains the necessary lock function for SysACE to work
     41   * Provides extra functionality, such as a file-logging system
    4242 * warplib.h ('''requires''' the user to add the library files manually)
    43   * Required for warpsysace to function
     43   * Required for warpsysace to function
    4545Once these items have been implemented, the user must apply the '''WarpSysace_GetLock(base_addr)''' function, as detailed in section of this document entitled, “Reconfiguring On Flash Using Software.” Once this function has been called, the user is free to utilize the FAT-file functionality as detailed in: \\EDK\doc\oslib_rm.pdf .
    4848 * to make files, user only needs to use “sysace_fopen”
    49   * the file must return a defined type int for use in other sysace functions, (such as sysace_fread)
     49   * the file must return a defined type int for use in other sysace functions, (such as sysace_fread)
    5050 * The largest string size that can be written is defined by the buffer size of the library in the system MSS file
    5151 * To append data to a file, simply do not close it and perform more writes
    5252 * When done modifying a file, always close it. This may otherwise result in a corrupt file.
    5353 * If things freeze (can happen after lots of changes) – reformat the card again with mkdosfs
     56[wiki:sysace/sreconfig PREV: Reconfiguring on Flash Using Software] ||| [wiki:sysace HOME] ||| [wiki:sysace/REF NEXT: References]