
WARPLab 7.5.x FPGA Architecture for WARP v3 Hardware

The WARPLab 7.5.x design for WARP v3 makes changes to the underlying FPGA architecture in order to increase the buffer sizes for Read / Write IQ. This includes:

  • Updates to the WARPLab Buffers core to allow for larger Read / Write IQ indexing
  • Updates to the WARPLab Buffers core to allow DMA access to RSSI buffers
  • Updates to the Trigger Manager core to allow for Ethernet triggers on Eth B
  • Updates to the AGC core (slight modification of the 802.11 AGC core)
  • Updates to Ethernet B so that it has the same capabilities as Ethernet A
  • Updates to the AXI Interconnect to address all 2GB of DDR

Interconnect Architecture

Address Map

Please review the XPS project for the latest information.

Microblaze Address Map

NOTE: All Address not explicitly defined are reserved.

IP Instance Base Address High Address Size
DLMB 0x0000_0000 0x0001_FFFF 128K
ILMB 0x0000_0000 0x0001_FFFF 128K
Interrupt Controller 0x1000_0000 0x1000_FFFF 64K
WARPLab Trigger Proc 0x1010_0000 0x1010_FFFF 64K
WARPLab AGC 0x1020_0000 0x1020_FFFF 64K
WARPLab Buffers 0x1030_0000 0x1030_FFFF 64K
ETH A MAC 0x1100_0000 0x1103_FFFF 256K
ETH B MAC 0x1110_0000 0x1113_FFFF 256K
AXI DMA (ETH A) 0x1120_0000 0x1120_FFFF 64K
AXI DMA (ETH B) 0x1130_0000 0x1130_FFFF 64K
CDMA 0x1200_0000 0x1200_FFFF 64K
W3 Clock Controller 0x2010_0000 0x2010_FFFF 64K
W3 User IO 0x2020_0000 0x2020_FFFF 64K
Radio Controller 0x2030_0000 0x2030_FFFF 64K
W3 AD Controller 0x2040_0000 0x2040_FFFF 64K
AXI GPIO 0x2050_0000 0x2050_FFFF 64K
AXI SYSMON ADC 0x2060_0000 0x2060_FFFF 64K
AXI Timer 0x2070_0000 0x2070_FFFF 64K
USB UART 0x2080_0000 0x2080_FFFF 64K
W3 I2C EEPROM On Board 0x2090_0000 0x2090_FFFF 64K
W3 I2C EEPROM FMC 0x20A0_0000 0x20A0_FFFF 64K
RFA RX CTL 0x4100_0000 0x4101_FFFF 128K
RFA RSSI CTL 0x4102_0000 0x4102_3FFF 16K
RFA TX CTL 0x4104_0000 0x4105_FFFF 128K
RFB RX CTL 0x4108_0000 0x4109_FFFF 128K
RFB RSSI CTL 0x410A_0000 0x410A_3FFF 16K
RFB TX CTL 0x410C_0000 0x410D_FFFF 128K
RFC RX CTL 0x4110_0000 0x4111_FFFF 128K
RFC RSSI CTL 0x4112_0000 0x4112_3FFF 16K
RFC TX CTL 0x4114_0000 0x4115_FFFF 128K
RFD RX CTL 0x4118_0000 0x4119_FFFF 128K
RFD RSSI CTL 0x411A_0000 0x411A_3FFF 16K
RFD TX CTL 0x411C_0000 0x411D_FFFF 128K
BRAM 0x5000_0000 0x5001_FFFF 128K
DDR 0x8000_0000 0xFFFF_FFFF 2G
Last modified 10 years ago Last modified on Mar 12, 2015, 5:18:34 PM

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