
This page describes WARPnet v1.0, which supports the OFDM Reference Design. For experiments with the 802.11 Reference Design please refer to WARPnet 2.0

Installing the WARPnet 1.0 Framework


The WARPnet 1.0 framework is implemented in Python, but depends on a number of other software packages. The dependencies are listed below. Some systems will require other packages to be installed before these dependancies can be built and installed. Some OS-specific pre-reqs are listed below. If you've successfully installed WARPnet on a system not listed below, please let us know and we'll update this list.

Ubuntu 12.04 LTS

  1. Python 2.7 is installed by default
  2. sudo apt-get install the following packages, accepting any additional packages suggested/required by apt :
    • python2.7-dev
    • g++
    • patch
    • libpcap-dev
    • subversion (optional, but makes it easy to download the WARPnet code from the WARP repository)
  3. Then install the WARPnet dependencies (see links below). The versions listed below worked for Ubuntu 12.04 64-bit.
    • Twisted 12.10
    • zope.interface 3.8.0 (4+ doesn't work!)
    • pcapy 0.10.5, patch using WARPnet patch from WARP svn
    • impacket 0.96

You may also want to sudo apt-get install subversion to facilitate downloading the warpnet code from the WARP repository.

Generic OS

  1. First ensure that you are running Python 2.6 or higher. If not, install the latest 2.6 version of Python. We have not tested the server with Python 3+ and since the syntax has changed for several important commands it will probably not work yet.
  2. Download and install the Twisted networking library from source.
  3. Download and install Zope.interface from source. The Twisted library depends on this.
  4. WARPnet uses PCAP to communicate with the WARP board directly. To allow the Python-based server/client to access PCAP, the Pcapy module needs to be installed. As WARPnet works with Pcapy version 10.5 only, download this to your computer.
  5. Before installing Pcapy, it needs to be patched for some WARPnet specific functionality. Download pcapy_warpnet_patch.diff from the repository into the Pcapy folder and run the following.
     patch < pcapy_warpnet_patch.diff
     python install
  6. Download and install Impacket from source. This package helps in analyzing raw Ethernet packets. Again, to install run the following from the Impacket folder.
     python install

Installing the Framework

The WARPnet Framework is a standalone module that works just like any Python module. However, for now it is not installed into site-packages but added to the Python path on a per shell basis. The current stable release is version 2.2

  1. Download the WARPnet Framework folder and store it anywhere on your computer. Note the absolute path to it as it will be important later.
  2. Download and These are an example definitions file and example script that work with OFDM Reference Design v15.

Running the server

Running the server is explained in more detail here.

Setting up a shell for the Client

  1. Navigate to the warpnet_framework folder.
  2. Add the warpnet_framework location to the local environment variable PYTHONPATH. For example in bash:
     export PYTHONPATH='~/warpnet_framework'
  3. Now, browse to your To run your experiment type:
Last modified 11 years ago Last modified on Feb 12, 2014, 11:20:54 AM