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#1 2014-Oct-08 15:16:22

Registered: 2013-Nov-23
Posts: 3

Custom PHY implementation


I am using WARPv3 boards along with WARPLab in MATLAB for experiments. However, I am now planning to implement a more real-time version of the PHY protocol in WARP which will require FPGA code modifications. I went through the OFDM reference design webpage (http://warpproject.org/trac/wiki/OFDMReferenceDesign) which talks about the real-time network stack on a WARP node. The MAC layer code in the reference design w3_OFDM_ReferenceDesign_v18p1 is very easy to understand. Can you please let me know, where should I look for the implementation of OFDM PHY code in FPGA? Does the pcores folder contains the PHY code? Is there any detailed documentation for the same?

Thanks in advance for your help. Looking forward to hearing from you.



#2 2014-Oct-08 22:45:49

From: Mango Communications
Registered: 2006-Jul-03
Posts: 5159

Re: Custom PHY implementation

The source models for the OFDM ref design PHY are in the repository: /ResearchApps/PHY/MIMO_OFDM/WARPv3_Work.

However if you're using WARP v3 and just getting started on custom PHY changes, I would *strongly* recommend using the 802.11 Reference Design instead of the OFDM Reference Design. The 802.11 Tx/Rx PHY models are much cleaner than the older PHY and will be a much less frustrating models to explore and modify. The MAC in the 802.11 design is a bit more complicated, but is capable of much more sophisticated protocols and experiments. You can get started with the nomac application for the 802.11 design, released with v0.96. This is an alternate MAC implementation in CPU Low that is much simpler than the DCF. Studying wlan_mac_nomac.c before the wlan_mac_dcf.c would be a good way to get started.



#3 2014-Oct-28 10:31:49

Registered: 2014-Oct-28
Posts: 1

Re: Custom PHY implementation

Another question is that in the paper, it is mentioned that the packets can be sent at a maximum speed of 100 pkts/s in a warp v2, what is the performance in warp v3?

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Last edited by Jutt123 (2014-Nov-17 10:30:56)



#4 2014-Oct-28 11:06:32

From: Mango Communications
Registered: 2013-May-15
Posts: 612

Re: Custom PHY implementation

You can see the 802.11 reference design throughput benchmarks here.  Also, you can see the WARPLab benchmarks here.



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