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Hi Rice,
Is it possible to generate a pure tone with a WARP V3 by using WARPLab ?
Thanks in advance for your help.
Yes -- any 40MSPS waveform can be constructed, sent, and received via WARPLab. The wl_example_basic_txrx.m example sends a sinusoid as its example waveform. This example can be easily extended to use the continuous_tx baseband command to continue transmitting the sinusoid indefinitely so it isn't limited by the size of the buffer.
Hi chunter,
Thank you for your answer !
In fact, what i want to do is to generate a pure tone at 2.4 GHz.
So in order to do that, i have to send to the DAC I samples that are all equal to 1 (or a constant) and send to the DAC Q samples that are all equal to 0. Am i right ?
But if i do that, the I signal will contain a DC offset. This offset won't be an issue for the direct up-conversion ?
Thank you in advance
I think producing baseband DC would work for generating a tone at your center frequency. You're basically intentionally creating carrier leakage by doing that. However, if you want to receive the tone you wouldn't be able to tune directly to the same center frequency and hope to receive it since it will be caught by the MAX2829 high pass filter. Even at the minimum setting, the filter will still eliminate anything <100Hz.
Alternatively, you could offset the center frequency and digitally up and downconvert away from DC. For example, tune to channel 1 (2412MHz) and generate a -12MHz sinusoid; this would result in a single tone at 2400MHz.
Ok, i understood.
Thank you very much for these accurate explanations.