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#1 2009-Sep-29 09:15:37

Registered: 2009-Sep-29
Posts: 2

XEmacLite modified version usage [SOLVED]


I'm new to this forum, first please apologize for my english I'm french.

I searched for an Ethernet MAC IP because the original version of ethernet lite doesn't support promiscuous mode, I found your IP.

I work on a S3E starterKit and it seems I managed to synthetise the IP with a microblaze core in EDK, but I'm have some trouble to use it.
I try with the same code as the original ethernet lite but it seems not to work.

Before flooding with copy paste, I want to know what files (hardware side and soft side) I need to copy.
Sorry, It's maybe a newbie question but I'm a beginner with EDK.

Thanks in advance :)

Last edited by nats (2009-Sep-29 09:45:03)



#2 2009-Sep-29 09:30:35

From: Mango Communications
Registered: 2006-Jul-03
Posts: 5159

Re: XEmacLite modified version usage [SOLVED]

The only change we made to xps_ethernetlite_v2_00_b was in rx_state_2.vhd. Near line 1228, we replaced


ucastAddrGood <= '1' when checkingBroadcastAdr_i = '0' and (Emac_rx_rd_data_d1(0 to 3) = Mac_addr_ram_data) else '0';



ucastAddrGood <= '1';

This bypasses unicast address checking, forcing promiscuous mode all the time. The same driver and application software should work with both versions.



#3 2009-Sep-29 09:41:23

Registered: 2009-Sep-29
Posts: 2

Re: XEmacLite modified version usage [SOLVED]

Thanks a lot :)

I must admit I didn't check if this IP was "open source".

Really thanks a lot for your fast answer.

PS: I was looking at EDK and realised that I added the IP but didn't have connected signals -_-

Last edited by nats (2009-Sep-29 09:42:07)



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