source: PlatformSupport/matperf/server/matperfServer.m

Last change on this file was 951, checked in by chunter, 16 years ago

adding matperf

  • Property svn:executable set to *
File size: 27.2 KB
[951]1function [report servrep report_port] = matperfServer
3% usage: matperfServer
5% initialize all variables
8yes = 1; t1 = []; t2 = []; b1 = []; b2 = [];
9j1 = []; j2 = []; l1 = []; l2 = []; tp1= [];
10t3 = []; t4 = []; b3 = []; b4 = []; j3 = [];
11j4 = []; l3 = []; l4 = []; tp3= []; oisup = 0;
12ti = []; ti2 = [];
13req_band = []; leng = []; times = [];
14reqports = []; repnum = 0; portadd = 0;
15numexp = 1; data_old = 0; 
16windows = [];
19disp('server quits when matperfClient_complete with specific address is called');
23% This is the server that receives signals from the client and execute
24% the commands client demands. Different from the client, server will
25% execute the commands and parse and collect the outputs into vectors and
26% structs.
31% To check if this program is running properly, check the struct values
32% with the iperf results recorded in checkresult.txt
34udp = pnet('udpsocket', 3333);
35while 1,
36    pnet(udp,'setreadtimeout',15);
37    len = pnet(udp,'readpacket');
39    if len > 0,
41    [ip] = pnet(udp,'gethost'); % receives the address of the responded client
42    address = strcat(num2str(ip(1)),{'.'},num2str(ip(2)),{'.'},num2str(ip(3)),{'.'},num2str(ip(4)));
45        data = pnet(udp,'read',1000,'double');
46        %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
47        % mode 1 -> single
48        % mode 2 -> double
49        % mode 3 -> tradeoff
50        % UdpTcp = 1 ->> UDP
51        % UdpTcp = 2 ->> TCP
52        % experiment request => 0
53        % trial request => 1
54        % asking success/failure => 4
55        % asking to parse & collect the data => 6
56        % complete exp => 7
57        %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
59        %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
60        % when the server receives 0, it should also have received        %
61        % information of whether the client is UDP or TCP and             %
62        % its mode.                                                       % 
63        % [req; UDP/TCP ; mode] <- do not change during the exp.          %
64        %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
66        %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
67        % when the server receives 1, it also receives length, bandwidth, %
68        % window size, port # the client wants to access on server and    %
69        % prepare the iperf command line to be executed. Then it          %
70        % executes the command and send the client a signal that allows the
71        % client to execute its iperf command.                            %
72        %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
74        if data(1) == 0,
75            if exist('checkresult.txt','file') == 2,
76                system('rm checkresult.txt');
77            end
78            data_old = data;
79            servrep = 0;
80            report = 0;
81            report_port = 0;
82            disp('experiment request submitted');
83            clear_set; % delete all the temporary files being used in previous trial.
84            req = 0;
85            UdpTcp = data(2); % collects info if UDP/TCP test 
86            mode = data(3); % collects info if single/dual/tradeoff
87            pnet(udp,'write',req);
88            pnet(udp,'setwritetimeout',1.2);
89            pnet(udp,'writepacket',char(address),3333); % this sends to client that server recognized the client
90            oisup = 1;
91            continue;
92        elseif data(1) ==1,
93            if oisup == 0,
94                disp('experiment not initialized');
95                return
96            end
97            clear_set;
98            data_old = data(1);
100            %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
101            % WARNING: only one iperf should run during the test %
102            %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%           
103            pac = data;
104            if pac(2) == 1 %if UDP,
105                length = pac(3); % these pac variables are from the received packet from the client
106                reqband = pac(4);
107                timeb = pac(5);
108                reqport = pac(6);
109                systemcall = 'iperf -s -u -P 1 -f B -f b';
110                systemcall = strcat(systemcall,{' -p '},num2str(reqport),{' > tempo_result.txt &'});
111            elseif pac(2) ==2, % if TCP,
112                window = pac(3);
113                timeb = pac(4);
114                reqport = pac(5);
115                systemcall = 'iperf -s -P 1 -f B -f b';
116                systemcall = strcat(systemcall,{' -p '},num2str(reqport),{' > tempo_result.txt &'});
117            end
119            %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
120            % based on received data, above two if statements build a
121            % command line to be used to call iperf
122            %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%           
123            system('ps -a > jobs_l');
124            system('python weird');
125            jobs_l = load('check_jobs');
126            if jobs_l == 1,
127                system('killall iperf');
128            end
129            disp('trial request submitted');
131            % call iperf
132            system(char(systemcall));
134            pnet(udp,'write',1);
135            pnet(udp,'setwritetimeout',.6);
136            pnet(udp,'writepacket',char(address),3333); % server tells client to begin the iperf trial
137            continue
138        elseif data == 5 
139        %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
140        % when the server receives 5, matlab begins to check the iperf
141        % results written on the specified file. In our case it
142        % is tempo_reult.txt. First matlab uses python to call pint.txt.
143        % pint.txt is a python script that gets rid of all unnecessary
144        % lines in the iperf output s othat all the outputs have the same
145        % structures.
146        %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
147            if oisup == 0,
148                disp('experiment not initialized');
149                return
150            end
151            data_old = data;
153            system('python pint.txt');
155            %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
156            % below serverudpsingle/dual/tradeoff are the scripts that
157            % parse the output to the vectors saved into different files so
158            % that matlab can call each of them in order to use them as
159            % variables.
160            %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
161            if mode == 1,
162                if UdpTcp == 1,
163                system('python serverudpsingle');
164                elseif UdpTcp == 2,
165                system('python servertcpsingle');
166                end
167            elseif mode ==2,
168                if UdpTcp == 1,
169                    system('python serverudpdual');
170                elseif UdpTcp ==2,
171                    system('python servertcpdual');
172                end
173            elseif mode == 3,
174                if UdpTcp == 1,
175                    system('python serverudptradeoff');
176                end
177            end
179            %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
180            % below script lines will load the results saved in separate
181            % files into matlab workspace. They will also check if the
182            % server got stuck or not by checking whether there were
183            % outputs or not. If the server gets stuck, there are no lines
184            % to parse and save into files. So If files don't exist, that
185            % means there are no outputs and also means the server was
186            % stuck. If the matlab determines that server is stuck, then it
187            % will kill the running iperf and send client 3, which means
188            % the trial failed and client has to execute the same command again.
189            % But if those lines successively parse and save them into
190            % separate files then it will send client 2, which means the
191            % trial has succeeded.
192            %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
194            if exist('repnum.txt','file') == 2 && exist('portadd.txt','file') == 2,
195                temp_repnum = textread('repnum.txt','%s') ;             
196                temp_portadd = textread('portadd.txt','%s');             
197                sf = 2;
198                if mode == 2,
199                    if exist('dual_repnum.txt','file') ==2 && exist('dual_portadd.txt','file') == 2,
200                    tempd_repnum = textread('dual_repnum.txt','%s');
201                    tempd_portadd = textread('dual_portadd.txt','%s');
202                    else
203                        disp('server stuck')
204                        system('killall iperf'); % kills iperf
205                        sf = 3; %fail
206                    end
207                elseif mode == 3,
208                    if exist('tradeoff_repnum.txt','file') ==2 && exist('tradeoff_portadd.txt','file') == 2,
209                        t_repnum = textread('tradeoff_repnum.txt','%s');
210                        t_portadd = textread('tradeoff_portadd.txt','%s');
211                    else
212                        disp('server stuck')
213                        system('killall iperf'); %klls iperf
214                        sf = 3; %fail
215                    end
216                end
217            else
218                disp('server stuck');
219                system('killall iperf');
220                sf = 3; %fail
221            end
222            clear_set;
223            pnet(udp,'write',sf); %success
224            pnet(udp,'setwritetimeout',.5);
225            pnet(udp,'writepacket',char(address),3333); % server tells client whether trial succeeded or failed
226            continue;
228        elseif data == 6,
229            %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
230            % below if statement prevents the results are  presented twice
231            % at the same time. data_old is the copied version of data and
232            % if signal 6 is sent twice at the same time, server jumps back
233            % to the start.
234            %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
235            if data_old == data,
236                pnet(udp,'write',yes);
237                pnet(udp,'setwritetimeout',1.5);
238                pnet(udp,'writepacket',char(address),3333);
239                continue;
240            end
241            if mode == 2,
242                %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
243                % first, portadd, the vector that carries information about
244                % the port numbers has been examined. It checks if that
245                % line tells whether server connected to client back or
246                % client connected to server. Then portadd becomes the
247                % vector consist of line that contains the data of client
248                % connected to server, and d_portadd becomes the vector that
249                % consist of line that contains the data of server
250                % connected to client.
251                %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
252                porter = cell2mat(temp_portadd(7));
254                if num2str(reqport) == porter,
255                    portadd = temp_portadd;
256                    d_portadd = tempd_portadd;
257                else
258                    portadd = tempd_portadd;
259                    d_portadd = temp_portadd;
260                end
261                %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
262                % these below liines are to check if the results are sorted
263                % correctly or not. I checked if the results are correctly
264                % sorted by checking the ID in every lines. For example [3]
265                % is sorted with all [3] lines and [142] lines are all
266                % sorted with [142].
267                %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
269                numer = cell2mat(portadd(2));
270                if numer == cell2mat(temp_repnum(2)),
271                    repnum = temp_repnum;
272                    d_repnum = tempd_repnum;
273                else
274                    repnum = tempd_repnum;
275                    d_repnum = temp_repnum;
276                end
278            elseif mode == 3,
279                repnum = temp_repnum;
280                portadd = temp_portadd;
282            elseif mode == 1,
283                repnum = temp_repnum;
284                portadd = temp_portadd;
285            end
287            %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
288            % repnum contains info about the jitter, totalpacket,loss, etc.
289            % and portadd contains info about the port and address of
290            % client and server. d_repnum and d_portadd contain info of the
291            % client's server report.
292            %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
296            %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
297            % These are the algorithms that create the struct that will be
298            % shown as a result. First, I loaded a file that contains
299            % information about the bandwidth, jitter, lost,
300            % totalpackets, and port numbers of client and server into work
301            % space. Then, I just picked up a number from that vector by
302            % giving a matlab a location of those necessary values. number
303            % in below box is the row # of the vectors that contain the
304            % answers i need.
305            %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
306            if UdpTcp == 1
307                %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
308                % for UDP results
309                % j ==> Transfer => 7; Bandwidth => 9; Jitter => 12;       
310                %       Lost => 14; Total => 15; time => 5;
311                % k ==> s.add => 5 s.port => 7 c.add => 10 c.port => 12
312                %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
313                for i = 1: size(repnum)
314                    % change rem(i,j) j to the # of lines of one report.
315                    j = rem(i,18);
316                    if (j == 5)
317                        Ti = str2double(cell2mat(repnum(i)));
318                        ti = [ti;Ti];
319                    elseif (j == 7)
320                        T1 = str2double(cell2mat(repnum(i)));
321                        %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
322                        % conversion.m
323                        % this conversion function changes the size of the
324                        % values for example from Bytes to GBytes or
325                        % KBytes. inputs are what size you want, the value,
326                        % and the current size.
327                        % e.g. conversion('Bytes',T1,'KBytes')
328                        % first one is what size you want, second one is
329                        % the value, and the third one is the current size.
330                        %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
331                        T1 = conversion('Bytes',T1,repnum(i+1));
332                        % it creates saves the value as vectors.
333                        t1 = [t1;T1];
334                    elseif (j == 9)
335                        B1 = str2double(cell2mat(repnum(i)));
336                        B1 = conversion('bits',B1,repnum(i+1));
337                        b1 = [b1;B1];
338                    elseif (j == 12)
339                        J1 = str2double(cell2mat(repnum(i)));
340                        j1 = [j1;J1];
341                    elseif (j == 14)
342                        L1 = str2double(cell2mat(repnum(i)));
343                        l1 = [l1;L1];
344                    elseif (j == 15)
345                        TP1 = str2double(cell2mat(repnum(i)));
346                        tp1 = [tp1; TP1];
347                    end
348                end
349                for k = 1:size(portadd)
350                    % change rem(k,l) l to the # of lines of one report.
351                    l = rem(k,12);
352                    if (l == 5)
353                        T2 = (cell2mat(portadd(k)));
354                        t2 = [t2; T2];
355                    elseif (l == 7)
356                        B2 = (cell2mat(portadd(k)));
357                        b2 = [b2;B2];
358                    elseif (l == 10)
359                        J2 = (cell2mat(portadd(k)));
360                        j2 = [j2; J2];
361                    elseif (l == 0)
362                        L2 = (cell2mat(portadd(k)));
363                        l2 = [l2; L2];
364                    end
365                end
366                if(mode == 2)
367                    for i1 = 1: size(d_repnum)
368                        % change rem(i,j) j to the # of lines of one report.
369                        j = rem(i1,18);
370                        if (j == 5)
371                            Ti2 = str2double(cell2mat(d_repnum(i1)));
372                            ti2 = [ti2;Ti2];
373                        elseif (j == 7)
374                            T3 = str2double(cell2mat(d_repnum(i1)));
375                            T3 = conversion('Bytes',T3,d_repnum(i1+1));
376                            t3 = [t3;T3];
377                        elseif (j == 9)
378                            B3 = str2double(cell2mat(d_repnum(i1)));
379                            B3 = conversion('bits',B3,d_repnum(i1+1));
380                            b3 = [b3;B3];
381                        elseif (j == 12)
382                            J3 = str2double(cell2mat(d_repnum(i1)));
383                            j3 = [j3;J3];
384                        elseif (j == 14)
385                            L3 = str2double(cell2mat(d_repnum(i1)));
386                            l3 = [l3;L3];
387                        elseif (j == 15)
388                            TP3 = str2double(cell2mat(d_repnum(i1)));
389                            tp3 = [tp3; TP3];
390                        end
391                    end
393                    for k1 = 1:size(d_portadd)
394                        % change rem(k,l) l to the # of lines of one report.
395                        l = rem(k1,12);
396                        if (l == 5)
397                            T4 = (cell2mat(d_portadd(k1)));
398                            t4 = [t4; T4];
399                        elseif (l == 7)
400                            B4 = (cell2mat(d_portadd(k1)));
401                            b4 = [b4;B4];
402                        elseif (l == 10)
403                            J4 = (cell2mat(d_portadd(k1)));
404                            j4 = [j4; J4];
405                        elseif (l == 0)
406                            L4 = (cell2mat(d_portadd(k1)));
407                            l4 = [l4; L4];
408                        end
409                    end
410                elseif mode == 3,
411                    for i1 = 1: size(t_repnum)
412                        % change rem(i,j) j to the # of lines of one report.
413                        j = rem(i1,18);
414                        if (j == 5)
415                            Ti2 = str2double(cell2mat(t_repnum(i1)));
416                            ti2 = [ti2;Ti2];
417                        elseif (j == 7)
418                            T3 = str2double(cell2mat(t_repnum(i1)));
419                            T3 = conversion('Bytes',T3,t_repnum(i1+1));
420                            t3 = [t3;T3];
421                        elseif (j == 9)
422                            B3 = str2double(cell2mat(t_repnum(i1)));
423                            B3 = conversion('bits',B3,t_repnum(i1+1));
424                            b3 = [b3;B3];
425                        elseif (j == 12)
426                            J3 = str2double(cell2mat(t_repnum(i1)));
427                            j3 = [j3;J3];
428                        elseif (j == 14)
429                            L3 = str2double(cell2mat(t_repnum(i1)));
430                            l3 = [l3;L3];
431                        elseif (j == 15)
432                            TP3 = str2double(cell2mat(t_repnum(i1)));
433                            tp3 = [tp3; TP3];
434                        end
435                    end
437                    for k1 = 1:size(t_portadd)
438                        % change rem(k,l) l to the # of lines of one report.
439                        l = rem(k1,12);
440                        if (l == 5)
441                            T4 = (cell2mat(t_portadd(k1)));
442                            t4 = [t4; T4];
443                        elseif (l == 7)
444                            B4 = (cell2mat(t_portadd(k1)));
445                            b4 = [b4;B4];
446                        elseif (l == 10)
447                            J4 = (cell2mat(t_portadd(k1)));
448                            j4 = [j4; J4];
449                        elseif (l == 0)
450                            L4 = (cell2mat(t_portadd(k1)));
451                            l4 = [l4; L4];
452                        end
453                    end
455                end
456                leng = [leng; length];
457                req_band = [req_band;reqband];
459            elseif UdpTcp == 2,
460                %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
461                % for TCP results:
462                % j ==> Throughput = 7; Bandwidth = 9; Jitter = 12;
463                %       Lost = 14; Total 15; time => 5;
464                % k ==> s.add 5 s.port 7 c.add 10 c.port 12
465                %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
466                for i = 1: size(repnum)
467                    % change rem(i,j) j to the # of lines of one report.
468                    j = rem(i,11);
469                    if (j == 5)
470                        Ti = str2double(cell2mat(repnum(i)));
471                        ti = [ti;Ti];
472                    elseif (j == 7)
473                        T1 = str2double(cell2mat(repnum(i)));
474                        T1 = conversion('Bytes',T1,repnum(i+1));
475                        t1 = [t1;T1];
476                    elseif (j == 9)
477                        B1 = str2double(cell2mat(repnum(i)));
478                        B1 = conversion('bits',B1,repnum(i+1));
479                        b1 = [b1;B1];
480                    end
481                end
482                for k = 1:size(portadd)
483                    % change rem(k,l) l to the # of lines of one report.
484                    l = rem(k,12);
485                    if (l == 5)
486                        T2 = (cell2mat(portadd(k)));
487                        t2 = [t2; T2];
488                    elseif (l == 7)
489                        B2 = (cell2mat(portadd(k)));
490                        b2 = [b2;B2];
491                    elseif (l == 10)
492                        J2 = (cell2mat(portadd(k)));
493                        j2 = [j2; J2];
494                    elseif (l == 0)
495                        L2 = (cell2mat(portadd(k)));
496                        l2 = [l2; L2];
497                    end
498                end
499                if mode == 2,
500                    for i1 = 1: size(d_repnum)
501                        % change rem(i,j) j to the # of lines of one report.
502                        j = rem(i1,11);
503                        if (j == 5)
504                            Ti2 = str2double(cell2mat(d_repnum(i1)));
505                            ti2 = [ti2;Ti2];
506                        elseif (j == 7)
507                            T3 = str2double(cell2mat(d_repnum(i1)));
508                            T3 = conversion('Bytes',T3,d_repnum(i1+1));
509                            t3 = [t3;T3];
510                        elseif (j == 9)
511                            B3 = str2double(cell2mat(d_repnum(i1)));
512                            B3 = conversion('bits',B3,d_repnum(i1+1));
513                            b3 = [b3;B3];
514                        end
515                    end
517                    for k1 = 1:size(d_portadd)
518                        % change rem(k,l) l to the # of lines of one report.
519                        l = rem(k1,12);
520                        if (l == 5)
521                            T4 = (cell2mat(d_portadd(k1)));
522                            t4 = [t4; T4];
523                        elseif (l == 7)
524                            B4 = (cell2mat(d_portadd(k1)));
525                            b4 = [b4;B4];
526                        elseif (l == 10)
527                            J4 = (cell2mat(d_portadd(k1)));
528                            j4 = [j4; J4];
529                        elseif (l == 0)
530                            L4 = (cell2mat(d_portadd(k1)));
531                            l4 = [l4; L4];
532                        end
533                    end
535                end
536                % requested window size
537                windows = [windows;window];
539            end
540            % create and save the requested time & port values as vectors
541            times = [times;timeb];
542            reqports = [reqports; reqport];
543            %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
544            % based on the created vectors, below command lines create
545            % structs that will be out as results.
546            % report carries information from the server report. Servrep
547            % carries info from the client server report when dualtest or
548            % tradeoff test was ran. report_port carries the used port
549            % numbers of client and server.
550            %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
551            if UdpTcp == 1,
552                report = struct('Transfer',t1','length',leng','req_bandwidth',req_band','bandwidth',b1','jitter',j1','losses',l1','totalpackets',tp1','requested_time_int',times','actual_time_int',ti','used_ports',reqports');               
553                if mode == 2 || mode == 3,
554                    servrep = struct('Transfer',t3','length',leng','req_bandwidth',req_band','bandwidth',b3','jitter',j3','losses',l3','totalpackets', tp3','requested_time_int',times','actual_time_int',ti2','used_ports',reqports');
555                end
556            elseif UdpTcp == 2,
557                report = struct('Transfer',t1','bandwidth',b1','window',windows','requested_time_int',times','actual_time_int',ti','used_ports',reqports');
558                if mode == 2 || mode == 3,
559                    servrep = struct('Transfer',t3','bandwidth',b3,'window',windows','requested_time_int',times','actual_time_int',ti2','used_ports',reqports');
560                end
561            end
562            report_port = struct('s_address',t2,'s_port',b2,'c_address',j2,'c_port',l2);
563            pnet(udp,'write',yes);
564            pnet(udp,'writepacket',char(address),3333);
565            nmep = sprintf('%d trial is done',numexp);
566            disp(nmep);
567            numexp = numexp + 1;
568            data_old = data;
569            save temp_matperf_data
570            continue
571        elseif data == 7,
572            %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
573            % when 7 is received from client, the server returns the result
574            % to the matlab.
575            %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
576            disp('experiment done');
577            return
578        else
579            disp('no such code');
580            continue
581        end
583    else
584        % give server time to prepare
585        pnet('closeall');
586        udp = pnet('udpsocket',3333);
587        continue;
588    end
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