w3_ad_controller Driver
Driver for WARP v3 AD9963 controller core (w3_ad_controller_v3_00_b)


int ad_init (u32 baseaddr, u8 clkdiv)
u32 ad_spi_read (u32 baseaddr, u32 csMask, u8 regAddr)
void ad_spi_write (u32 baseaddr, u32 csMask, u8 regAddr, u8 txByte)
int ad_set_TxDCO (u32 baseaddr, u32 csMask, u8 iqSel, u16 dco)
int ad_set_TxGain1 (u32 baseaddr, u32 csMask, u8 iqSel, u8 gain)
int ad_set_TxGain2 (u32 baseaddr, u32 csMask, u8 iqSel, u8 gain)
int ad_config_filters (u32 baseaddr, u32 csMask, u8 interpRate, u8 decimationRate)
int ad_config_clocks (u32 baseaddr, u32 csMask, u8 DAC_clkSrc, u8 ADC_clkSrc, u8 ADC_clkDiv, u8 ADC_DCS)
int ad_config_DLL (u32 baseaddr, u32 csMask, u8 DLL_En, u8 DLL_M, u8 DLL_N, u8 DLL_DIV)
int ad_config_power (u32 baseaddr, u32 csMask, u8 pwrState)

Detailed Description


//Assumes user code sets AD_BASEADDR to base address of w3_ad_controller core, as set in xparameters.h
//Initialize the AD9963s
ad_init(AD_CONTROLLER, 3);

Function Documentation

int ad_init ( u32  baseaddr,
u8  clkdiv 

Initializes the AD controller. This function must be called once at boot before any AD or RF operations will work.

baseaddrBase memory address of w3_ad_controller pcore
clkdivClock divider for SPI serial clock (set to 3 for 160MHz bus)
u32 ad_spi_read ( u32  baseaddr,
u32  csMask,
u8  regAddr 

Reads the specified register from both AD9963s.

baseaddrBase memory address of w3_ad_controller pcore
csMaskOR'd combination of RFA_AD_CS and RFB_AD_CS
regAddrAddress of register to read, in [0x00, 0x82]
Returns concatenation of current values of the specified register for both AD9963s; RFA is LSB
void ad_spi_write ( u32  baseaddr,
u32  csMask,
u8  regAddr,
u8  txByte 

Writes the specified register in selected AD9963s. Multiple AD9963s can be selected for simultaneous writes.

baseaddrBase memory address of w3_ad_controller pcore
csMaskOR'd combination of RFA_AD_CS and RFB_AD_CS
regAddrAddress of register to write, in [0x00, 0xFF]
txByteByte value to write
int ad_set_TxDCO ( u32  baseaddr,
u32  csMask,
u8  iqSel,
u16  dco 

Sets the DC offset for the selected path (I or Q) in the selected AD9963s.

baseaddrBase memory address of w3_ad_controller pcore
csMaskOR'd combination of RFA_AD_CS and RFB_AD_CS
iqSelSelect I or Q path; must be AD_CHAN_I or AD_CHAN_Q
dcoDC offset to apply, in [0,1024]
int ad_set_TxGain1 ( u32  baseaddr,
u32  csMask,
u8  iqSel,
u8  gain 

Sets the GAIN1 value (linear-in-dB adjustment +/- 6dB) for the selected path (I or Q) in the selected AD9963s. Changing this gain value also changes the common mode voltage and DC offset of the selected path. We recommend leaving this gain setting unchanged for optimal performance.

baseaddrBase memory address of w3_ad_controller pcore
csMaskOR'd combination of RFA_AD_CS and RFB_AD_CS
iqSelSelect I or Q path; must be AD_CHAN_I or AD_CHAN_Q
gain6-bit gain value; [0:25] = [0:+6dB], [41,63] = [-6dB:0dB]
int ad_set_TxGain2 ( u32  baseaddr,
u32  csMask,
u8  iqSel,
u8  gain 

Sets the GAIN2 value (linear adjustment +/- 2.5%) for the selected path (I or Q) in the selected AD9963s Changing this gain value also changes the common mode voltage and DC offset of the selected path. We recommend leaving this gain setting unchanged for optimal performance.

baseaddrBase memory address of w3_ad_controller pcore
csMaskOR'd combination of RFA_AD_CS and RFB_AD_CS
iqSelSelect I or Q path; must be AD_CHAN_I or AD_CHAN_Q
gain6-bit gain value; [0:25] = [0:+2.5%], [41,63] = [-2.5%:0]
int ad_config_filters ( u32  baseaddr,
u32  csMask,
u8  interpRate,
u8  decimationRate 

Configures the digital rate-change filters in the AD9963. Changing filter settings affects the require data rate at the TXD and TRXD ports. You must ensure all related paramters (AD9963 filters, I/Q rate in FPGA, AD9512 dividers) are consistent.

baseaddrBase memory address of w3_ad_controller pcore
csMaskOR'd combination of RFA_AD_CS and RFB_AD_CS
interpRateDesired interpolation rate in AD9963; must be one of [1, 2, 4, 8]
decimationRateDesired decimation rate in AD9963; must be one of [1, 2]
Returns 0 on success, -1 for invalid paramters
int ad_config_clocks ( u32  baseaddr,
u32  csMask,
u8  DAC_clkSrc,
u8  ADC_clkSrc,
u8  ADC_clkDiv,
u8  ADC_DCS 

Configures the ADC and DAC clock sources in the AD9963. Refer to the WARP v3 user guide and AD9963 for details on various clocking modes.

baseaddrBase memory address of w3_ad_controller pcore
csMaskOR'd combination of RFA_AD_CS and RFB_AD_CS
DAC_clkSrcDAC clock source; must be AD_DACCLKSRC_DLL (use DLL clock) or AD_DACCLKSRC_EXT (use external reference clock)
ADC_clkSrcADC clock source; must be AD_ADCCLKSRC_DLL (use DLL clock) or AD_ADCCLKSRC_EXT (use external reference clock)
ADC_clkDivADC clock divider; must be one of [AD_ADCCLKDIV_1, AD_ADCCLKDIV_2, AD_ADCCLKDIV_4] for divide-by of [1, 2, 4]
ADC_DCSADC duty cycle stabilizer; must be AD_DCS_ON or AD_DCS_OFF. AD9963 datasheet recommends DCS be enabled only for ADC rates above 75MHz.
Returns 0 on success, -1 for invalid paramters
int ad_config_DLL ( u32  baseaddr,
u32  csMask,
u8  DLL_En,
u8  DLL_M,
u8  DLL_N,
u8  DLL_DIV 

Configures the AD9963 DLL block. DLL output clock is REFCLK*M/(N*DLL_DIV). REFCLK*M must be in [100,310]MHz. See the AD9963 for more details.

baseaddrBase memory address of w3_ad_controller pcore
csMaskOR'd combination of RFA_AD_CS and RFB_AD_CS
DLL_EnDLL Enable (1=DLL enabled, 0=DLL disabled). Other arguments are ignored when DLL_En=0
DLL_MDLL multiplication (M) parameter; must be in [0,1,...,31] for multiplications of [1,2,...,32], constrained by M*REFCLK in [100, 310]MHz
DLL_NDLL division (N) parameter; must be one of [1,2,3,4,5,6,8]
DLL_DIVSecondary DLL divider; must be one of [1,2,4]
Returns 0 on success, -1 for invalid paramters, -2 if DLLs fail to lock with new settings
int ad_config_power ( u32  baseaddr,
u32  csMask,
u8  pwrState 

Shuts down or enables the selected AD9963. Starting up from shutdown is not instantaneous, so this function should only be used to disable an AD9963 that will be unsed for a while. If you shutdown a AD9963, you should also shutdown the corresponding MAX2829 with radio_controller_setMode_shutdown(). Note: this function will always leave the AD9963 DLL shutdown. You must call ad_config_DLL() again to re-configure and re-enable the DLL if your design uses the DLL clock for ADCs or DACs.

baseaddrBase memory address of w3_ad_controller pcore
csMaskOR'd combination of RFA_AD_CS and RFB_AD_CS
pwrStateDesired AD9963 power state; must be one of [AD_PWR_ALLOFF, AD_PWR_ALLON]
Returns 0 on success, -1 for invalid paramters