w3_clock_controller_axi Driver
Driver for WARP v3 clock controller pcore (w3_clock_controller_axi)


int clk_init (u32 baseaddr, u8 clkDiv)
int clk_config_outputs (u32 baseaddr, u8 clkOutMode, u32 clkOutSel)
int clk_config_input_rf_ref (u32 baseaddr, u8 clkInSel)
u32 clk_config_read_clkmod_status (u32 baseaddr)
int clk_config_dividers (u32 baseaddr, u8 clkDiv, u32 clkOutSel)
u32 clk_spi_read (u32 baseaddr, u32 csMask, u8 regAddr)
void clk_spi_write (u32 baseaddr, u32 csMask, u8 regAddr, u8 txByte)

Detailed Description


//Assumes user code sets CLK_BASEADDR to base address of w3_clock_controller_axi core, as set in xparameters.h
//Initialize the AD9512 clock buffers
clk_init(CLK_BASEADDR, 3);
//Enable clock outputs to FMC slot
//Disable clock outputs to clock module header
//Set clock to AD chips to 40MHz (80MHz source divided by 2)

Function Documentation

int clk_init ( u32  baseaddr,
u8  clkDiv 

Initializes the clock controller. This function must be called once at boot before any AD or RF operations will work. The w3_clock_controller_axi HDL applies preliminary configuration values to the sampling and RF reference clock buffers, and (if preset) the PLL+buffer on the CM-PLL clock module.

The HDL applies the minimum set of configuration values to allow the MicroBlaze subsystem to boot. This function does not override any configuration values applied by the HDL.

Refer to the pcore user guide for details on the pre-boot configuration process: http://warpproject.org/trac/wiki/cores/w3_clock_controller

Default config is:

  • On board 80MHz TCXO used as source for sampling and RF ref clock buffers
  • 80MHz clock driven to FPGA, RF A and RF B ADC/DACs
  • 40MHz clock driven to RF A and B transceivers
  • FMC and clock module header clocks disabled
    baseaddrBase memory address of w3_clock_controller_axi pcore
    clkDivClock divider for SPI serial clock (set to 3 for 160MHz bus)
int clk_config_outputs ( u32  baseaddr,
u8  clkOutMode,
u32  clkOutSel 

Configures which outputs are en/disabled in both AD9512 clock buffers.

baseaddrBase memory address of w3_clock_controller_axi pcore
clkOutModeNew mode for selected clock outputs; must be CLK_OUTPUT_ON or CLK_OUTPUT_OFF
clkOutSelMasks to select which clock outputs to affect; must be OR'd combination of:
Mask Selected Output
CLK_SAMP_OUTSEL_FMC Sampling clock buffer to FMC slot
CLK_SAMP_OUTSEL_CLKMODHDR Sampling clock buffer to clock module header
CLK_SAMP_OUTSEL_FPGA Sampling clock buffer to FPGA
CLK_SAMP_OUTSEL_AD_RFA Sampling clock buffer to RF A AD9963 (ADC/DAC ref clock)
CLK_SAMP_OUTSEL_AD_RFB Sampling clock buffer to RF B AD9963 (ADC/DAC ref clock)
CLK_RFREF_OUTSEL_FMC RF ref clock buffer to FMC
CLK_RFREF_OUTSEL_CLKMODHDR RF ref clock buffer to clock module header
CLK_RFREF_OUTSEL_RFAB RF ref clock buffer to RF A and B transceivers
Returns 0 on success, -1 for invalid parameters
int clk_config_input_rf_ref ( u32  baseaddr,
u8  clkInSel 

Configures whether the RF Reference Buffer uses the on-board or off-board clock source.

baseaddrBase memory address of w3_clock_controller_axi pcore
clkInSelClock source mask, must be either CLK_INSEL_ONBOARD (for on-board oscillator) or CLK_INSEL_CLKMOD (for off-board clock via clock module header)
Mask Selected Input
CLK_INSEL_ONBOARD Selects on-board TCXO as RF Reference clock source (AD9512 CLK1/CLK1B port)
CLK_INSEL_CLKMOD Selects off-board clock from clock module header as RF Reference clock source (AD9512 CLK2/CLK2B port)
Returns 0 on success, -1 for invalid parameters
u32 clk_config_read_clkmod_status ( u32  baseaddr)

Reads the status pins of the currently installed clock module.

baseaddrBase memory address of w3_clock_controller_axi pcore
Returns the clock module status; the meaning of the status bits depends on the currently installed module.

For the CM-MMCX, 2 LSB are value of 2-position SIP switch. For the CM-PLL, 3 LSB are the value of the 3 LSB of the DIP switch. Bit 0x8 is the PLL status.

int clk_config_dividers ( u32  baseaddr,
u8  clkDiv,
u32  clkOutSel 

Configures output dividers in both AD9512 clock buffers.

baseaddrBase memory address of w3_clock_controller_axi pcore
clkDivDivider value to set; must be 1 or even integer in [2,32]
clkOutSelMasks to select which clock outputs to affect; must be OR'd combination of:
Mask Selected Output
CLK_SAMP_OUTSEL_FMC Sampling clock buffer to FMC slot
CLK_SAMP_OUTSEL_CLKMODHDR Sampling clock buffer to clock module header
CLK_SAMP_OUTSEL_FPGA Sampling clock buffer to FPGA
CLK_SAMP_OUTSEL_AD_RFA Sampling clock buffer to RF A AD9963 (ADC/DAC ref clock)
CLK_SAMP_OUTSEL_AD_RFB Sampling clock buffer to RF B AD9963 (ADC/DAC ref clock)
CLK_RFREF_OUTSEL_FMC RF ref clock buffer to FMC
CLK_RFREF_OUTSEL_CLKMODHDR RF ref clock buffer to clock module header
CLK_RFREF_OUTSEL_RFAB RF ref clock buffer to RF A and B transceivers
Returns 0 on success, -1 for invalid parameters
u32 clk_spi_read ( u32  baseaddr,
u32  csMask,
u8  regAddr 

Reads the specified register from both AD9963s.

baseaddrBase memory address of w3_clock_controller_axi pcore
csMaskOR'd combination of CLK_SAMP_CS and CLK_RFREF_CS
regAddrAddress of register to read, in [0x00, 0x5A]
Returns concatenation of current values of the specified register for both AD9512s (if selected); samp clock buffer is LSB
void clk_spi_write ( u32  baseaddr,
u32  csMask,
u8  regAddr,
u8  txByte 

Writes the specified register value to the selected AD9512 clock buffers.

baseaddrBase memory address of w3_clock_controller_axi pcore
csMaskOR'd combination of CLK_SAMP_CS and CLK_RFREF_CS
regAddrAddress of register to write, in [0x00, 0x5A]
txByte8-bit value to write