w3_clock_controller Driver
Driver for WARP v3 AD9512 clock buffer controller core (w3_clock_controller_v3_00_b)


int clk_init (u32 baseaddr, u8 clkDiv)
int clk_config_outputs (u32 baseaddr, u8 clkOutMode, u32 clkOutSel)
int clk_config_dividers (u32 baseaddr, u8 clkDiv, u32 clkOutSel)
u32 clk_spi_read (u32 baseaddr, u32 csMask, u8 regAddr)
void clk_spi_write (u32 baseaddr, u32 csMask, u8 regAddr, u8 txByte)

Detailed Description


//Assumes user code sets CLK_BASEADDR to base address of w3_clock_controller core, as set in xparameters.h
//Initialize the AD9512 clock buffers
ad_init(CLK_BASEADDR, 3);
//Enable clock outputs to FMC slot
//Disable clock outputs to clock module header
//Set clock to AD chips to 40MHz (80MHz source divided by 2)

Function Documentation

int clk_init ( u32  baseaddr,
u8  clkDiv 

Initializes the clock controller. This function must be called once at boot before any AD or RF operations will work. Default config is:

  • On board 80MHz TCXO used as source for sampling and RF ref clock buffers
  • 80MHz clock driven to FPGA, RF A and RF B ADC/DACs
  • 40MHz clock driven to RF A and B transceivers
  • FMC and clock module header clocks disabled
    baseaddrBase memory address of w3_clock_controller pcore
    clkDivClock divider for SPI serial clock (set to 3 for 160MHz bus)
int clk_config_outputs ( u32  baseaddr,
u8  clkOutMode,
u32  clkOutSel 

Configures which outputs are en/disabled in both AD9512 clock buffers.

baseaddrBase memory address of w3_clock_controller pcore
clkOutModeNew mode for selected clock outputs; must be CLK_OUTPUT_ON or CLK_OUTPUT_OFF
clkOutSelMasks to select which clock outputs to affect; must be OR'd combination of:
Mask Selected Output
CLK_SAMP_OUTSEL_FMC Sampling clock buffer to FMC slot
CLK_SAMP_OUTSEL_CLKMODHDR Sampling clock buffer to clock module header
CLK_SAMP_OUTSEL_FPGA Sampling clock buffer to FPGA
CLK_SAMP_OUTSEL_AD_RFA Sampling clock buffer to RF A AD9963 (ADC/DAC ref clock)
CLK_SAMP_OUTSEL_AD_RFB Sampling clock buffer to RF B AD9963 (ADC/DAC ref clock)
CLK_RFREF_OUTSEL_FMC RF ref clock buffer to FMC
CLK_RFREF_OUTSEL_CLKMODHDR RF ref clock buffer to clock module header
CLK_RFREF_OUTSEL_RFAB RF ref clock buffer to RF A and B transceivers
Returns 0 on success, -1 for invalid parameters
int clk_config_dividers ( u32  baseaddr,
u8  clkDiv,
u32  clkOutSel 

Configures output dividers in both AD9512 clock buffers.

baseaddrBase memory address of w3_clock_controller pcore
clkDivDivider value to set; must be 1 or even integer in [2,32]
clkOutSelMasks to select which clock outputs to affect; must be OR'd combination of:
Mask Selected Output
CLK_SAMP_OUTSEL_FMC Sampling clock buffer to FMC slot
CLK_SAMP_OUTSEL_CLKMODHDR Sampling clock buffer to clock module header
CLK_SAMP_OUTSEL_FPGA Sampling clock buffer to FPGA
CLK_SAMP_OUTSEL_AD_RFA Sampling clock buffer to RF A AD9963 (ADC/DAC ref clock)
CLK_SAMP_OUTSEL_AD_RFB Sampling clock buffer to RF B AD9963 (ADC/DAC ref clock)
CLK_RFREF_OUTSEL_FMC RF ref clock buffer to FMC
CLK_RFREF_OUTSEL_CLKMODHDR RF ref clock buffer to clock module header
CLK_RFREF_OUTSEL_RFAB RF ref clock buffer to RF A and B transceivers
Returns 0 on success, -1 for invalid parameters
u32 clk_spi_read ( u32  baseaddr,
u32  csMask,
u8  regAddr 

Reads the specified register from both AD9963s.

baseaddrBase memory address of w3_clock_controller pcore
csMaskOR'd combination of CLK_SAMP_CS and CLK_RFREF_CS
regAddrAddress of register to read, in [0x00, 0x5A]
Returns concatenation of current values of the specified register for both AD9512s (if selected); samp clock buffer is LSB
void clk_spi_write ( u32  baseaddr,
u32  csMask,
u8  regAddr,
u8  txByte 

Writes the specified register value to the selected AD9512 clock buffers.

baseaddrBase memory address of w3_clock_controller pcore
csMaskOR'd combination of CLK_SAMP_CS and CLK_RFREF_CS
regAddrAddress of register to write, in [0x00, 0x5A]
txByte8-bit value to write