Changes between Version 30 and Version 31 of 802.11/Changelog

Nov 26, 2013, 5:50:08 AM (11 years ago)



  • 802.11/Changelog

    v30 v31  
    1616Changes in 0.6 Beta:
    17  * Fixed a PHY bug that affected some rates and length pairs. This bug had to do with the timing of FFT resets in the receiver.
    18  * Fixed a PHY bug where the last sample of the transmitting training field was set to zero. Bug was discovered on [ the WARP forums].
    19  * Reduced default Tx queue size significantly (from up to 1000 packets enqueued per station to 150 packets enqueued per station). The extremely large queues caused significant performance issues in TCP (see [ Bufferbloat]).
    20  * Aligned our SIFS/DIFS/Slot MAC timing values with commercial 802.11 devices. These updated parameters are also parameterized better in terms of what the 802.11 standard indicates along with hardware-specific latency corrections.
     17 * Fixed a PHY bug in the FFT reset logic that caused Rx FCS errors for some combinations of rate and length.
     18 * Fixed a PHY bug where the last sample of the transmitted preamble was zero - thanks to [ sadiaq on the forums].
     19 * Reduced default Tx queue size significantly (from up to 1000 packets enqueued per station to 150 packets enqueued per station). The extremely large queues caused significant performance issues in TCP (i.e. [ bufferbloat]).
     20 * Aligned SIFS/DIFS/Slot MAC timing values with commercial 802.11 devices. These updated parameters are also parameterized better in terms of what the 802.11 standard indicates along with hardware-specific latency corrections.
    2121 * Per-subcarrier channel estimates from the PHY have been added to the metadata at the front of every received packet.