
Version 31 (modified by murphpo, 11 years ago) (diff)


802.11 Reference Design: Changelog

0.6 Beta Release:


Release Details:

Hardware Release Date Posted SVN Rev. ISE Ver. Arch
WARP v3 0.6 Beta 18-November-2013 2410 14.4 Dual MB/AXI

Changes in 0.6 Beta:

  • Fixed a PHY bug in the FFT reset logic that caused Rx FCS errors for some combinations of rate and length.
  • Fixed a PHY bug where the last sample of the transmitted preamble was zero - thanks to sadiaq on the forums.
  • Reduced default Tx queue size significantly (from up to 1000 packets enqueued per station to 150 packets enqueued per station). The extremely large queues caused significant performance issues in TCP (i.e. bufferbloat).
  • Aligned SIFS/DIFS/Slot MAC timing values with commercial 802.11 devices. These updated parameters are also parameterized better in terms of what the 802.11 standard indicates along with hardware-specific latency corrections.
  • Per-subcarrier channel estimates from the PHY have been added to the metadata at the front of every received packet.

0.5 Beta Release:


Release Details:

Hardware Release Date Posted SVN Rev. ISE Ver. Arch
WARP v3 0.5 Beta 11-October-2013 2270 14.4 Dual MB/AXI

Changes in 0.5 Beta:

  • Added station implementation that can associate with either a WARP AP or a commercial AP (provided security is disabled). To use the station, a computer can be directly connected via Ethernet to ETH_A. The 802.11 station implementation will bridge that Ethernet link to the wireless link. The UART menu can be used to perform an active scan and attempt to join nearby APs. Otherwise, the station implementation will at boot attempt to join an AP whose SSID is specified in the top of the wlan_mac_sta.c file (default "WARP-AP").
  • Split the ILMB and DLMB memories to increase code space. DLMB is now in a new 64K BRAM leaving the existing 128K BRAM exclusively for instructions.
  • Enhanced UART menu for both AP and STA
  • Adjusted AGC threshold to allow receptions of higher-power packets. In previous designs, transmitters that were too close (a few feet) to a WARP 802.11 AP would fail to communicate. These high power receptions have been addressed.

0.4 Beta Release:


Release Details:

Hardware Release Date Posted SVN Rev. ISE Ver. Arch
WARP v3 0.4 Beta 25-September-2013 2242 14.4 Dual MB/AXI

Changes in 0.4 Beta:

  • Added 64-QAM rates to PHY Tx and Rx (48Mbps and 54Mbps)
  • Increased traceback depth in decoder for improved performance
  • Moved to interrupts for all events in top-level MAC / CPU High
  • New SDK workspace organization for easier code sharing between top-level projects
  • Fixed an issue with software resets when using malloc/realloc/free. This issue is described in Xilinx AR# 30878, but our fix is slightly different. We have instantiated an extra BRAM (4K size) that holds the default state of the .data section. On software reset, the project will overwrite it's .data with the original .data section that is in this extra BRAM if it exists.

0.3 Beta Release:


Release Details:

Hardware Release Date Posted SVN Rev. ISE Ver. Arch
WARP v3 0.3 Beta 20-August-2013 2164 14.4 Dual MB/AXI

Changes in 0.3 Beta:

  • Many MAC/PHY bug fixes
    • Resolved rare deadlock in Rx PHY following late pkt det events
    • Updated LTS correlator (fixed offset-by-1 bug, increased dynamic range of stored coefficients)
    • Added high/low SNR thresholds for LTS correlation
    • Fixed bug related to asynchronous resets in decoder
    • Re-designed phase error correction system to apply pilot-derived phase estimates in same symbol period
  • Added 16-QAM rates to PHY Tx and Rx (24Mbps and 36Mbps)
  • Re-designed Ethernet I/O to use scatter-gather DMA (replaces Ethernet FIFO)
  • Completely redesigned wireless transmit queue
    • Much better handling of bursty Ethernet receptions
    • Use Ethernet DMA to minimize copies (new payloads are DMA'd to queue in DRAM, then copied to PHY pkt buffer immediately before Tx)
    • Per-associated-station queueing of MPDUs awaiting transmission
    • Uses DDR3 SO-DIMM (if present) for large queues (up to 3000 packets)
  • Added UI for changing AP parameters over UART (after downloading design press Esc key to see menu)
  • Added support to en/disable new associates at run-time via the top push button (to avoid unwanted associations during experiments)

0.2 Beta Release:


Release Details:

Hardware Release Date Posted SVN Rev. ISE Ver. Arch
WARP v3 0.2 Beta 30-July-2013 2115 14.4 Dual MB/AXI

Changes in 0.2 Beta:

  • Many MAC/PHY bug fixes
  • Better default thresholds for packet detection and Rx correlations
  • Added queue to CPU High Tx packet processing, to reduce chances of dropped packets during bursts at Ethernet Rx
  • Added support for disassociation and re-association handshakes in wlan_mac_ap.c
  • Stubbed out code for setting per-station, per-packet rates in wlan_mac_ap.c (ready for custom rate adaptation schemes)

Known issues:

  • Under very rare circumstances a deadlock can occur when RSSI-based packet detection is enabled. RSSI-based packet detection is disabled by default (in our tests the alternative auto-correlation packet detection is sufficient by itself).
  • Bursts of Ethernet receptions can cause dropped packets at the Ethernet MAC, due to the Rx buffer filling faster than the wireless Tx can process new packets. This manifests as a slight asymmetry between downlink and uplink throughput when using TCP. A faster Ethernet Rx -> wireless Tx queueing scheme is in the works which should address this.

0.1 Beta Release:


Release Details:

Hardware Release Date Posted SVN Rev. ISE Ver. Arch
WARP v3 0.1 Beta 23-July-2013 2086 14.4 Dual MB/AXI
  • Initial beta release of 802.11 Reference Design
  • Compiling the 802.11 Reference Design requires an edk_user_repository of revision 2086 or later. Update your local edk_user_repository working copy to the latest version.