Basic Functionality
- 1024-bit memory space divided into 4 pages.
- 3 of these are given unlimited user read and write capabilities
- the other page is used for storing calibration values and MAC addresses
- Each page is divided into 4 sectors of 8-bytes each. Read or write functions must be performed on an entire sector.
- These functions require the user to provide a pointer to an 8-byte data array
- Readable 64-bit lasered ROM containing 8-bit family code, 48-bit serial code, and 8-bit Cyclic Redundancy check (CRC).
- Readable 16-bit serial code given by WARP
- The provided libaries are divided into EEPROM_l.c and EEPROM.c -- The latter contains everything the User needs to drive the EEPROM.
- The EEPROM.c library provides the following functionality:
- Select a radio to be affected by subsequent reads/writes
- Read valid calibration values that have been stored to a radio's EEPROM
- Write calibration value to a radio's EEPROM
- Read valid MAC addresses of the FPGA board and radios from the FPGA's EEPROM
- Write MAC addresses of the FPGA board and radios to the FPGA's EEPROM
- Read the 16-bit serial number given by WARP
- Read the 64-bit lasered ROM written by the EEPROM manufacturer
- Read data from the EEPROMs data pages
- Write data to the EEPROMs data pages
A part of the header file EEPROM.h is given below.
char WarpEEPROM_EEPROMSelect(unsigned int* baseaddr, char EEPROM_select)
- Choose the EEPROM to be affected by subsequent reads/writes
- baseaddr is the base address of the EEPROM peripheral
- EEPROM_select selects the appropriate EEPROM to drive
0: FPGA Board 1: Radio1 2: Radio2 3: Radio3 4: Radio4
- Returns SUCCESS if clock set correctly
- Returns FAILURE otherwise
short WarpEEPROM_ReadRadioCal(unsigned int* baseaddr, char RxNTx, char val_select)
- This function checks to see if a valid calibration value is stored on the EEPROM
and returns the value if so.
- baseaddr is the base address of the EEPROM peripheral
- RxNTx specifies whether the values are the Rx or Tx values. 1 indicates Rx
- val_select selects which value to write
0: DC offset 1: Gain IQ 2: Phase IQ
- Returns a short where the most significant byte is the Q-value and
the least significant byte is the I-value.
char WarpEEPROM_WriteRadioCal(unsigned int* baseaddr, char RxNTx, char val_select, char I_val, char Q_val)
- This function writes a calibration value to the EEPROM
- baseaddr is the base address of the EEPROM peripheral
- RxNTx specifies whether the values are the Rx or Tx values. 1 indicates Rx
- val_select selects which value to write
0: DC offset 1: Gain IQ 2: Phase IQ
- I_val is the I-component to be stored
- Q_val is the Q-component to be stored
- Returns SUCCESS (0x00) if all goes well, FAILURE (0xff) otherwise
void WarpEEPROM_ReadMACAddress(unsigned int* baseaddr, char dev_select, char *MAC)
- This function writes a 6-byte MAC address into a 6-byte array addressed by a pointer.
- baseaddr is the base address of the EEPROM peripheral
- dev_select specifies which device's MAC address to read
0: FPGA Board 1: Radio1 2: Radio2 3: Radio3 4: Radio4
- *MAC is a pointer to a 6-byte array
char WarpEEPROM_WriteMACAddress(unsigned int* baseaddr, char dev_select, char *MAC)
- This function writes a 6-byte MAC address into the EEPROM.
- baseaddr is the base address of the EEPROM peripheral
- dev_select specifies which device's MAC address to read
0: FPGA Board 1: Radio1 2: Radio2 3: Radio3 4: Radio4
- *MAC is a pointer to a 6-byte array containing the address
- Returns SUCCESS if all goes well, FAILURE otherwise
short WarpEEPROM_ReadWARPSerial(unsigned int* baseaddr)
- Returns the the 2-byte serial number assigned by Rice WARP
- baseaddr is the base address of the EEPROM peripheral
void WarpEEPROM_ReadDSSerial(unsigned int* baseaddr, unsigned char *Serial)
- Get Serial number from a EEPROM device. Assumes it is the only device on the bus.
- baseaddr is the base address of the EEPROM peripheral
- *Serial is a pointer to an 8 byte array
- returns a memory array containing the 1 byte family code, 6 byte serial
serial number and 1 byte CRC value
char WarpEEPROM_ReadUserMem(unsigned int* baseaddr, char page, char sector, unsigned char *array)
- This function reads from a specified memory location in the 1024-bit memory.
- Returns an 8-byte sector of the EEPROM.
- baseaddr is the base address of the EEPROM peripheral
- page must be 1-3, and refers to memory pages on the device
- sector must be 1-3, and refers to the appropriate sector on the device
- *array is a pointer to an 8-byte array[BR?
- Returns SUCCESS (0x00) if no error, otherwise FAILURE (0xff)
char WarpEEPROM_WriteUserMem(unsigned int* baseaddr, char page, char sector, unsigned char *array)
- Writes a given 8-byte array to a designated location in memory.
- Essentially a wrapper of the WriteScratch, ReadScratch and Scratch2Mem functions
- baseaddr is the base address of the EEPROM peripheral
- page must be 1-3, and refers to memory pages on the device
- sector must be 1-3, and refers to the appropriate sector on the device
- *array is a pointer to an 8-byte array
- Returns SUCCESS (0x00) if all goes well, FAILURE (0xff) otherwise