
WARPnet: Clean Slate Research on Deployed Wireless Networks

Authors: Siddharth Gupta, Christopher Hunter, Patrick Murphy, and Ashutosh Sabharwal


In this demo we present the Wireless Open-Access Research Platform for Networks (WARPnet), a research testbed aimed at performing experiments at the network level. The platform is designed to support not only conventional research areas but also new modalities like cooperative coding and network coding. It is based on the Virtex-4 FPGA, which provides the resources to implement novel MIMO physical and MAC layer algorithms. Additionally, the platform adds an orthogonal wireless backdoor network that allows remote programming, control and monitoring of the nodes.


Demo Abstract: WARPnet Demo (PDF 548KB)
Demo Handout: WARPnet Handout (PDF 368KB)


A video of a re-creation of this demo is available on our videos page.


	Author = {S. Gupta and C. Hunter and P. Murphy and A. Sabharwal},
	Booktitle = {Proc. 2009 ACM Mobihoc Conference},
	Title = {WARPnet: Clean Slate Research on Deployed Wireless Networks},
	Year = {2009}}

Last modified 16 years ago Last modified on Jun 18, 2009, 1:00:21 PM