
Version 14 (modified by murphpo, 17 years ago) (diff)


OPB Export Tool

The OPB Export Tool is a System Generator compilation target. Once installed, this tool will enable the generation of a pcore, a self-contained peripheral core containing the HDL, netlists and data files necessary for its use in the EDK. This tool is part of the sysgen2opb flow and must be installed before generating OPB peripherals in System Generator.

System Generator 8.1/8.2/9.1

  1. Download
  2. Unzip the contents of
  3. Launch Matlab and change the current directory to where you unzip the contents of
  4. Read the Xilinx's terms of use in the enclosed README.pdf file.
  5. In Matlab, run the following:
  6. When this process finishes, you should see a new compilation target - 'WARP OPB Export Tool' - in the System Generator token.