
Version 5 (modified by murphpo, 17 years ago) (diff)



What tools are required to use WARP?

To fully utilize WARP, users will require a complete setup of Xilinx's development tools:

  • ISE Foundation (v8.2 or greater)
  • Platform Studio and EDK (v8.2 or greater)
  • System Generator for DSP (v8.2 or greater)
  • ChipScope (v8.2 or greater)

These tools are available for purhcase from Xilinx. Universities can request a donation of the full set of tools through the Xilinx University Program.

If you're interested in getting started with these tools but don't yet have a WARP FPGA board, we suggest trying the Xilinx University Program Virtex-II Pro Development Board. This board is built around a Virtex-II Pro FPGA, the same family as the FPGA in the WARP hardware. While the XUP board doesn't have any wireless interfaces, it does provide enough other peripherals (UART, Ethernet, memory) to allow new users to learn the tools and design flow we use for WARP.