
Version 62 (modified by murphpo, 9 years ago) (diff)


WARPLab Reference Design: Downloads

The latest WARPLab Reference Design is available for download below. The source and binary files are distributed under the terms of the WARP License.

Previous releases of the reference design are available in the WARPLab change log.

Refer to the Quick Start guide to get started with the reference design.

7.5.0 Release:


Release Details:

Hardware Release Date Posted SVN Rev. ISE Ver. Arch MATLAB Ver. RF Interface Support
WARP v3 7.5.0 25-Feb-2014 XXX 14.4 MB/AXI 2009b or later 1-2: WARP v3 on-board interfaces
3-4: Requires FMC-RF-2X245
WARP v2 7.5.0 Coming Soon

WARPLab 7.5 for WARP v3 adds support for storing Tx/Rx samples in the on-board 2GB DRAM. Using the DRAM enables Tx and Rx waveforms with more than 1000x the number of samples as previous WARPLab releases. See the Sample Buffer Sizes page for details on the new waveform length limits.

Other changes:

  • Updated the Porting Guide with new scripting conventions. In 7.5, these changes are optional so old scripts will work as-is. In future releases, these changes will be enforced.
  • Replaced the old WARPLab AGC core with a new core derived from the wlan_agc core in the 802.11 Reference Design. The System Generator model for the new core is available in the repository: warplab_agc_v3.
  • Updated to version 3.04.a of the WARPXilnet library - be sure to update your edk_user_repository before compiling the reference software project
  • Added new spectrogram Rx example (WARPLab Spectrogram Example)
  • Updated all other examples to adopt new conventions for setting Tx/Rx waveform lengths
  • Added support for receiving Ethernet triggers on ETH B on WARP v3 hardware
  • Tweaked mex auto-compilation code to not require specific version of Microsoft tools
  • Updated mapping of debug pins - see the WARPLab WARP v3 hardware usage for details
  • Added support for the CM-PLL clock module
  • Upgraded to the latest w3_clock_controller_axi core
    • WARPLab assumes you have not written custom clock configurations to the EEPROM (see w3_clock_controller). If you have customized the clock configurations in the EEPROM be sure to update node_clk_initialize() in wl_node.c to match.
    • NOTE: the updated core changes the interpretation of the clock module switches! See the WARPLab WARP v3 hardware usage page for details on the new interpretation of the CM-PLL and CM-MMCX switches.
  • Added trigger inputs/outputs for the CM-PLL board-to-board cables. The 4 inputs and 4 outputs mirror the corresponding trigger signals on the debug header.

Reference Design Archive

The WARPLab reference design is packaged as a .zip file with the full source code and compiled bitstreams for the reference design. You can view the latest source code in the repository (ResearchApps/PHY/WARPLAB/WARPLab7). Please note the code in the repository is under active development.

The contents of the WARPLab reference design .zip file are explained below.


Bitstreams are fully-built designs that are ready to be downloaded onto WARP hardware. Files ending with the extension '.bit' may be downloaded using the Xilinx tool iMPACT. Files ending with the extension .bin may loaded onto an SD card so that the WARP v3 hardware will automatically be programmed whenever it is powered on and has the SD card inserted. Details on how to configure an SD card with a '.bin' file are provided here. For WARP v2 hardware, compact flash cards may be loaded with the provided .ace files for similar functionality (instructions provided here).

  • w3: WARP v3 FPGA bitstreams (see SD config howto for help using the .bin file)
  • w2: WARP v2 FPGA bitstreams (see CF config howto for help using the .ace file)


This folder contains EDK projects for various hardware configurations. The WARPLab FPGA design is built with the Xilinx Embedded Development Kit (EDK) software. The hardware design is constructed and implemented in EDK Xilinx Platform Studio (XPS). The software design, running in the MicroBlaze processor, is built in the Xilinx SDK. Opening these EDK projects requires a copy of the WARP edk_user_repository at the SVN revision in the table above.

If you want to use (but not modify) the reference FPGA design, you only need a bitstream and the reference M code. If you want to modify the MicroBlaze/PPC C code, you can download an EDK project in this folder, but only modify the SDK project contained therein. To modify the FPGA hardware design, you will need to modify the XPS project. The WARPLab FPGA design uses custom peripherals designed in Xilinx System Generator, including the warplab_buffers core. You will need MATLAB, Simulink and System Generator to modify these cores.

Each of these EDK projects are a combination of an XPS project along with Eclipse software projects that can be imported into an SDK workspace. These software projects are present in the 'SDK_Workspace' subfolder of every XPS project -- we recommend using this folder as the location of the SDK Workspace. These projects can then be imported "in place" and will not need to be copied.

  • w3: WARP v3 EDK projects for the 2-radio (2RF) and 4-radio (4RF) WARPLab Reference Designs
  • w2: WARP v2 EDK projects for the 2-radio (2RF) and 4-radio (4RF) WARPLab Reference Designs


This folder contains example WARPLab scripts that are compatible with this release of WARPLab. Explanations of these scripts are available here.


This folder contains all of the supporting files needed for WARPLab to run on a host PC with MATLAB. When downloading a new Reference Design Release, users will need to run the wl_setup.m script in this folder.