
Version 19 (modified by chunter, 11 years ago) (diff)


802.11 Reference Design: Downloads

Latest Release


Release Details:

Hardware Release Date Posted SVN Rev. ISE Ver. Arch
WARP v3 0.6 Beta 18-November-2013 2410 14.4 Dual MB/AXI

View the change log for release notes.

Reference Design Archive

The Mango 802.11 Reference Design is packaged as a .zip file with the full source code and compiled bitstreams for the reference design. You can view the latest source code in the repository (ReferenceDesigns/w3_802.11). Please note the code in the repository is under active development.

The contents of the 802.11 Reference Design .zip file are explained below.


This file explains terms under which the 802.11 Reference Design is released.


Bitstreams are fully-built designs that are ready to be downloaded onto WARP hardware. Files ending with the extension '.bit' may be downloaded using the Xilinx tool iMPACT. Files ending with the extension .bin may loaded onto an SD card so that the WARP v3 hardware will automatically be programmed whenever it is powered on and has the SD card inserted. Details on how to configure an SD card with a '.bin' file are provided here.


This folder contains an EDK project built with the Xilinx Embedded Development Kit (EDK) software. The hardware design is constructed and implemented in EDK Xilinx Platform Studio (XPS). The software designs, running in two MicroBlaze processors, are built in the Xilinx SDK. Opening the EDK project requires a copy of the WARP edk_user_repository at the SVN revision in the table above.

The EDK projects is a combination of an XPS project along with Eclipse software projects that can be imported into an SDK workspace. These software projects are present in the 'SDK_Workspace' subfolder of every XPS project -- we recommend using this folder as the location of the SDK Workspace. These projects can then be imported "in place" and will not need to be copied.


This folder contains the source System Generator models for the PHY Rx, Tx, AGC and MAC-DCF. Each sub-folder also contains the init scripts and support files required by each model. These scripts and models are configured to run in simulation as-is. To run a simulation, open MATLAB, cd to one of the model directories (wlan_phy_rx_pmd, for example), open the .mdl file and click Run.