
Version 59 (modified by chunter, 18 years ago) (diff)


WARP: Wireless Open-Access Research Platform

We have designed a highly capable, scalable and extensible platform for advanced wireless research. The design elements which provide these features are integrated into a complete platform, providing the tools and resources required for research and development at all levels of wireless systems. This integration enables researchers to focus on improving one aspect of a wireless system without having to implement, or even understand, everything required to enable real-world communications. All aspects of the platform, including the custom hardware designs, platform support packages and implementations of research applications, will be available in an open-access repository. This repository is available to and welcomes contributions from all users of the platform in hope of establishing an active resource for collaboration in high performance wireless research.

You can read more about the overall project at the main WARP site (

WARP Repository

Research Applications

Platform Support Packages

  • The WARP EDK Installer Project - An up-to-date binary that makes implementing/updating WARP peripherals, reference designs, and documentation a breeze.
  • WARP FPGA Board XBD? - Board description file for Xilinx Platform Studio
  • sysgen2opb - Matlab script to convert System Generator hardware co-simulation models into OPB peripherals
  • Custom Peripherals
    • Radio Controller? - core and driver for controlling the WARP radio board
    • Radio Bridge? - core used to interface the radio controller to the underlying hardware
    • EEPROM - core used to access the EEPROM devices located on the WARP FPGA and WARP radio boards.
  • Radio Self Test

Reference Designs

  • Wireless Reference Designs? - Collection of full wireless designs
  • FPGA Board Test - Project which tests the FPGA board's peripherals and demonstrates how to use them in custom designs
  • Xilkernel Reference Designs - A collection of WARP reference projects designed to introduce the programmer to most of the functionality of the xilkernel operating system.
  • MGT Reference Design - This reference design demonstrates the transmission of UDP packets between two WARP boards using multi-gigabit transceivers.


  • User Guide - User Guide containing useful informations of subtleties pertaining to the WARP board and building projects with it in Xilinx Platform Studio.
  • Frequently Asked Questions

Hardware Designs

Papers & Presentations