
WARP Workshop at DySpan 2011 (Aachen, Germany) - May 3, 2011

The 11th WARP workshop was conducted as part of the DySPAN 2011 tutorial track.

Tutorial Details

Tuesday, 3 May 2011 8:00am – 5:00pm

Cognitive Wireless Networking with WARP

Tutorial Chairs: Petri Mahonen (RWTH Aachen, Germany), Ashutosh Sabharwal (Rice University, USA)

This hands-on tutorial will introduce the participants to developing cognitive radio prototypes, especially for higher layer concepts.

The tutorial is a full-day session split into two parts. In the morning session, we will focus on WARP basics. This will include the current Rice MIMO-OFDM reference design implementation on WARP and software medium access control (MAC). In the afternoon, we will use the tools developed in the morning session to focus on an emerging application: cognitive wireless networks. We will focus on different methods of targeting WARP's wireless resources that allow rapid prototyping. We will then introduce the RWTH flexible cognitive radio MAC layer design.

Additionally, we will discuss also the key lessons learned from clean-slate implementations on the WARP hardware, and methods to leverage existing open-source code base. We will showcase cutting-edge research actively being performed using WARP in the form of several demonstrations. These will also serve to encourage collaborative discussions between the workshop participants.


Melissa Duarte and Chris Hunter (Rice University)

Junaid Ansari, Xi Zhang, Andreas Achtzehn and Jad Nasreddine (RWTH Aachen University Institute for Networked Systems)

Patrick Murphy (Mango Communications)


The presentation materials and lab exercises that were presented at the workshop are available below.


Lab Exercise Handouts

Lab Exercise Files

Other Useful Resources

Last modified 14 years ago Last modified on Jul 5, 2011, 6:39:00 PM